We will shortly be restarting our Walk ‘n’ Talk Group – so look out for announcements in our church weekly bulletin, or on the church notice board in our porch.
Anyone, church family or not, is welcome to join a small group of us for a walk down the public footpath in Green Lane, across the fields and into the Country Park. We usually end up in The Old Moat Garden Centre for a toilet stop and coffee before returning. We are not a fast-paced group of walkers, as we include people of all ages and fitness levels, but if you can walk for about an hour (with a break) at a moderate pace, then you would probably find this ‘do-able.’ We tend to wander along, chatting and often getting way-laid by the local wildlife or the farm animals we see on the way!
It is really good exercise and a lovely, social event.
If you would like to join us, or want more info, please email Jane on: